Deepen Your Spiritual Life
Become a compassionate listener of those who seek healing through Divine connection.
This program has kept pace with the technology advancement in digital video conferencing to provide quality audio and visual interactive-live virtual connection since 2007. The revised curriculum is presented in monthly instructional modules. An instructor will be assigned to you for the entire two-year program.
Price: Tuition per year $2,600 plus books
What You Will Gain from this Program:
This transformational path, along with learning the skills needed to be a spiritual director, prepares participants for the call to this ministry.
- Cultivating a more compassionate heart
- Learning to see God in everything
- Listening to self and others with your spiritual heart
- Identifying yours and others’ internal wisdom
- Helping illuminate life’s graced moments
- The freedom to love more fully
The entire program is online. We use a video conferencing platform. The only equipment needed is a good computer with camera, audio and a stable internet service.
Please visit the sisters of Benet Hill website for more information or to request an application.

Sister Mary Colleen Schwarz, OSB
“This course was eye-opening and showed me how to connect with all parts of myself: my giftedness, my weakness, the light and the dark, my woundedness and how to integrate them all into my one whole self that God created me to be. This slowly enables me to connect with God’s creations and to welcome and respect others as they are. After all, we are one body in Christ and created to be Christ to each other. Thank you to the Benet Hill sisters who patiently showed me the way and to the class group for enriching me with their shared wisdom.”

“I have grown so much during the last two years of this program. At 68 years old, I am learning to embrace life and emulate some of God’s love toward myself and others. God is good all the time and my past trials are now seen as steppingstones to growth and wisdom. I see now why a friend recommended this program to me. Sister Mary Colleen Schwarz and her team are excellent, compassionate, and loving instructors motivated by Gods’ guidance and love. I am privileged to be part of this program and “Yes, I have been blessed.”